Mac text file to document
Mac text file to document

Insertion location as alias is desktop as aliasĬontainer of item 1 of (get selection) as alias is desktop as alias So neither of these ways of checking if the desktop is selected work reliably: tell application "Finder" One workaround is to move focus to another application and back, but it results in a visual glitch. If you open a new Finder window, select some items in it, and run tell app "Finder" to selection in AppleScript Editor, the result is the items selected in some window behind the frontmost window (or an empty list). Finder ignores new windows when getting the insertion location and selection properties. There is a bug in 10.7 and 10.8 that affects many other scripts and Automator services like this.

mac text file to document mac text file to document mac text file to document

If result is true or number of windows is 0 then Value of attribute "AXFocusedWindow" is scroll area 1 You could assign a shortcut to a script like this: tell application "System Events" to tell process "Finder"

Mac text file to document